
Pico de gallo

Pico de Gallo is the easiest salsa to make. It is a fresh mix of tomatoes and onion. After that, everything is allowed to make it more exciting. Traditional recipes add chili pepper, lime juice, and salt.

We always make it when we make chili, as a salsa with a tasty sandwich or instead of chimichurri. But you can also use it as a dipping sauce for the tortilla chips.

To make a good Pico de Gallo, you only use fresh ingredients. Fresh peppers and onions are always available for purchase. Good tomatoes are sometimes a little whining difficult to get. If you do not find good big tomatoes, take smaller cherry tomatoes.

Officially you use Jalapeño peppers for Pico de Gallo. But red chili peppers are ok too. Finish the salsa with a handful of fresh cilantro and the juice of fresh lime.

If you are afraid that the peppers make it too hot, remove the seeds from the peppers before cutting them. Also, not everyone likes coriander.


  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 1 large white onion
  • 1 Jalapeño pepper
  • Juice from 1 lime
  • Fresh cilantro
  • salt


  1. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and place them in a fine-mesh colander.
  2. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of salt and drain.
  3. Cut the onion and pepper and mix with the tomatoes.
  4. Cut a handful of cilantro and toss it with a lime juice boat.
  5. Picco de Gallo will last for about 24 hours.

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