
Cherry beer sauce

The easiest way to integrate beer into a recipe is to make a sauce with it. This time we fancied a sweet sauce to go with a beef hammer. That’s why we created this cherry beer sauce.

You can make it very difficult for yourself and use fresh cherries, but that is just too much work. It is also not necessary for this sauce.

We wanted a sweet sauce, so we used pitted cherries in syrup. That’s already half the recipe.

The other half (or quart) is the beer. As said, we go for sweet. There are plenty of sweet beers. The beer connoisseur might reach for a Belgian kriek in which cherries are often used, but a kriek is generally just too sour.

We used a barley wine which is a deliciously thick and sweet beer. You could also use a double, dunkelweizen or even a pastry stout.

Let the sauce boil down until it sticks to the spoon. You could now put the sauce through a food processor to make it less lumpy, but we prefer to keep the cherries recognizable.

This is our cherry beer sauce that we served with a beef hammer. If you make this cherry beer sauce too, let us know in a comment below. Or better! Please take a photo and post it on Instagram. Tag @bbqhelden so we can see what it looks like.


  • Butter
  • Half white onion finely chopped
  • 1 grated garlic clove
  • 250 grams of seedless cherries in syrup
  • 330 ml sweet beer (we used a barley wine)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp paprika powder
  • Salt to taste


  1. Add the butter to the pan and let it melt over medium heat.
  2. Add the onion and let it soften. Then add the grated garlic.
  3. Pour the cherries, including the syrup, into the pan, then the honey and beer.
  4. Stir everything well and let it simmer for half an hour until the sauce has thickened.

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